Directory of Leaders, Media and News | Activists for 7 BILLION RISING HUMANS
We the People expect peace, a good life, liberty, and a reasonable pursuit of happiness.
This is a Directory of Leaders, News, and Media that are being the positive change needed through a parallel economy, not controlled by the state, nor by special interests. We list important Activists, Authors, Celebrities, Comedians, Culture Warriors, Doctorates, Economists, Educators, Entrepreneurs, Filmmakers, Health Experts, Influencers, Journalists, Mentors, former Military Leaders, Musicians, Podcasters, Policymakers, Politicians, Producers, Lawyers, Speakers, Street Interviewers, Talk Show Hosts, Writers, Women Leaders, Newscasters, and Media platforms making the moves humanity needs to wake up and thrive. No human nor media outlet on this directory is perfect, not even close; but they rate high for bravery, intelligence, honesty, importance, knowledge, and resistance to the NWO agenda.. We are currently in a global war for humanity against a NWO, which has an ongoing mission to dehumanize and enslave us for their control and profits.
Replace your usual MSM(Main Stream Media) and entertainment programming with the content from these Leaders and these Media and News channels. At the bottom of each Leader’s page, rate them with 2-5 stars , based on their knowledge, honesty, and accuracy. Not every person you will agree with, and the ability to see the big picture and change your mind depends on your maturity and goals. We assure you that every person on this Leader’s Directory did more than enough to earn a spot and we’re grateful to have you here. The objective is to explore the content of these Leaders, follow their social media, watch their videos, read their writings, and support them; because knowledge plus action is power. There are trillions of money that back lies for ruling class; but Truthers looking out for us, providing books, writings, merch, knowledge, entertainment, and they only ask for Value 4 Value donations, so if you get value from these heroes, PLEASE support them financially.
If We save America, then We save the World. Thank you for caring and sharing.
Start Learning and Rating at the bottom of each profile.
Do you know someone that should be on this directory? Submit their information here for review. Submit yourself if you think you are dedicating your life to the good fight. We hope you are on the right path, but it takes a person who is unplugging from the matrix and plugging in to humanity, logic and truth.
We the People need each other now more than ever. Godspeed. #7BR